Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why in creating a webpage we have to follow 60% of cntent and 40% creativity on design?

There are so many webpage in Internet. It has a different color, background, decoration, etc. to have a webpage is like a competition where you invite everyone to view and visit your webpage. So if to have a webpage is a competition we need criteria to impress the people to visit your webpage. And that criterion is the content and creativity of your webpage. We use the creativity so that, when the people see your webpage, they already impress your design even though they are not already read the content of your webpage.

We use the content also, so that every visitor, visit again your webpage if they impress the content of your webpage. If we combine this two categories in creating a webpage, the visitors in your webpage were impress and visit again. And also it will help you to invite their friends to visit your webpage.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Chatting and talking while viewing a cam.

All of us wanted to have friend not only here in the Philippines, but also in the other country. I set an exact time to chat and find a friend in other country. I feel some different experiences while I'm in an actual chatting because that is the first time I'm chatting and talking to a person in other language. I encounter some words that are not familiar in me while I'm reading their message. I also feel nervous the time I open to view my cam. Sometimes, I did not understand what they mean in their messages because they write it in a shortcut way like for example "nasl" which stand for name, age, sex and location. I also talk their using the phone in English. I cannot forget that time I do my best to find some friends in other country.
But, of all that experience I'm so happy because, I enhance myself in English and also I enhance my spelling while I'm chatting. In the first time chatting and talking is not easy. All of that experiences are give me a lot of idea in writing and most of all in grammar.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What is the impact of Internet in learning in education?

We know that Internet is a fastest way in research. By Internet, what we need to research is easy to find because, Internet within how many second immediately give the meaning of what you research. So, Internet gives a big impact to education because you can learn education even if you are in your own house because of Internet. By the demonstration example in Internet about the topics you want to know you already familiarize this by Internet. By on Internet, you can learn a flexible and most effective way.
And also by Internet, your students not feel boring in your class, because Internet produces some different techniques of how your class enjoys the lesson. You cannot do more demonstration base on your topics because there are some examples put in the Internet. By Internet, it make fast to tackle your lesson in education.
And also if the written above are the advantages of using Internet, there are also disadvantages in Internet. The more students using Internet, the more teachers lost their work because of it. That will happen if the entire student tackle their lesson in Internet inside their house and no one will go to school to listen the discussion of their teacher. The impact of Internet to us gives a best way to learn fast, but that's the time also the teacher or the professor lost their job.