Monday, November 16, 2009

What is the impact of Internet in learning in education?

We know that Internet is a fastest way in research. By Internet, what we need to research is easy to find because, Internet within how many second immediately give the meaning of what you research. So, Internet gives a big impact to education because you can learn education even if you are in your own house because of Internet. By the demonstration example in Internet about the topics you want to know you already familiarize this by Internet. By on Internet, you can learn a flexible and most effective way.
And also by Internet, your students not feel boring in your class, because Internet produces some different techniques of how your class enjoys the lesson. You cannot do more demonstration base on your topics because there are some examples put in the Internet. By Internet, it make fast to tackle your lesson in education.
And also if the written above are the advantages of using Internet, there are also disadvantages in Internet. The more students using Internet, the more teachers lost their work because of it. That will happen if the entire student tackle their lesson in Internet inside their house and no one will go to school to listen the discussion of their teacher. The impact of Internet to us gives a best way to learn fast, but that's the time also the teacher or the professor lost their job.


  1. Yeah!!..exactly that is the point.Actually, internet are having disadvantages and advantages with almost students and teachers and to all people having relationship with internet but when we talk about the usefulness of this technology, it is very helpful on the way in which many different tasks are accomplished....

  2. Yeah!!!! there are disadvantages and advantages of internet. There are many advantages of internet if we will use it in a right way.

  3. we must used the internet wisely....

  4. just minimize to use internet...

  5. don't always use Internet...remember, we have a book too to use in study...

  6. Yah,that's right the internet is fastest to research the information...
